Why OOFOS Are the Answer for Anyone spending 8+ Hours a Day on Their Feet

Why OOFOS Are the Answer for Anyone spending 8+ Hours a Day on Their Feet

Best in Show Daily: Leah is a 30 year veteran of dog shows. All of the walking, grooming, and exercising of dogs can take a toll on feet with 8+ standing hours a day during shows. Leah found that OOFOS was perfect for her lifestyle, here is what she had to say:

“I have literally worn these nonstop since their arrival, other than to sleep. Not only are they super comfortable and cushioning, they offer great arch support and are easily washable...Floating on air! That’s the only way to describe the OOFOS sandal. After double knee replacements, I am always trying to find comfortable supportive shoes for shock absorption”

For the full review, please click here. 


Also in OOAHH Moments